Frequently Asked Questions
This page includes a list of FAQs for the 2023 Boston Portuguese Festival. If you have more questions, please contact us at hello@bostonportuguesefestival.org. Thank you!
Where is the festival?
Just like in past years, the Boston Portuguese Festival is being held in City Hall Plaza in Boston, MA. The address is 1 City Hall Square. You can arrive by car and park in a nearby garage or take public transportation. The Government Center T Station is on the plaza.
What time is the festival?
The Boston Portuguese Festival runs from 12pm-8pm. The flag raising ceremony will start at 1pm and the final music act will finish around 7:45pm.
What should i bring?
We recommend bringing cash for food/drinks (although credit cards will be accepted too), a hat or sunscreen, and your dancing shoes ;)
Who will be performing?
This year's festival will include appearances by Boston 25 News' Julianne Lima, Concertinas do Norte, comedian Taylor Amarante, Tiago e Carlos, Senza, Bryan Wilson, Berg, and Jorge Ferreira.